Dozens of trees planted by Qatari Diar and Lusail staff on Earth Day
30 October 2013

Al Noaimi: the initiative aims to promote a culture of environmental protectionKaldari: Earth Day celebrations are in line with the philosophy we follow in building Lusail City
Doha – 23rdApril 2012 – Staff from Qatari Diar Real Estate Investment Company and Lusail Real Estate Development Company celebrated World Earth Day by planting tree seedlings in the vicinities of both companies.

Qatari Diar Administration Director, Abdullatif Al Noaimi explained that Qatari Diar hopes to promote greener and more environmentally friendly real estate, and recognized this year's Earth Day as an opportunity to lead by the example of itself and its very own staff.

"Earth Day celebrations provide us with a wonderful opportunity to promote a culture of environmental conservation and sustainability among the staff at Qatari Diar Group, which adopts these concepts in all of its projects whether in Qatar or around the world," said Al Noaimi.

"We celebrate Earth Day – a special occasion which adds to humanity and to us more than anything else – as earnestly as we celebrate the launch of any new real estate project in Qatar or around the world," Al Noaimi added.

Lusail Real Estate Development Company CEO Eng. Essa Mohammed Ali Kaldari added, "World Earth Day is a magnificent opportunity to prove to everyone that we are committed to the highest standards of green building in implementing our landmark Lusail City project, which in turn encourages sustainable and fair use of our resources – an objective at the heart of Earth Day celebrations."

He continued, "Our initiative of having every employee plant a tree seedling is an effort to add a touch of beauty and increase green space around our company's headquarters, which has become a magnet for local and international real estate companies."

World Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22 with events held worldwide to increase awareness and appreciation of the Earth's natural environment. US Senator Gaylord Nelson was the first to hold an environmental teach-in day on April 22, 1970 in the United States. In 1990, the Bullitt Foundation, an organization launched by Denis Hayes, propelled the event internationally, organizing events in 141 nations. World Earth Day is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year. ​
