Kindly note that your request for information will be rejected, among others, in the following cases:
1- Lack of required information.
2- If the requested information falls within the scope of the excluded information, including:
a) Information that if obtained or accessed would harm the national and economic security of the State of Qatar, its public interest, or its international relations.
b) Information that affects the sanctity of private life.
c) Information that may not be disclosed under an agreement between Qatari Diar (or its subsidiaries) and a third party, or that contains commercial or professional secrets related to another party.
d) Information related to policies, decisions, experiments or tests in the preparation stage.
e) Information which if disclosed would harm the conduct of investigations, hinder the prosecution or the arrest of perpetrators, or expose people’s lives or security to danger.
f) Personal information and files related to people’s educational or medical records, employment records, accounts, or bank transfers.
g) Information if disclosed would violate intellectual property rights or fair competition.
h) Information that is confidential by nature, is protected, or not authorized to be disclosed under the laws in force in Qatar.
3 - If the requested information is among the automatically published information.
4 - If the information request is not clear.
5 - Necessary cases that prevent the request from being approved.
Request to access information from Qatari Diar Real Estate Investment Company, a Qatari Private Shareholding Company
Qatari Diar is committed to transparency and continuously strives to enhance it in all aspects of its operations.
In accordance with Law No. (9) of 2022 regulating the Right to Access Information by the Public, individuals or entities can obtain information related to Qatari Diar through the following steps:
Step 1: Click on the links below to download and fill out the Request Form
Request for Information Form
Step 2: Submit the Request
Once the form is filled out, you can submit your request by sending an email to
Please ensure to include “Access Information Request” in the subject line to facilitate the processing of your request.
Qatari Diar will review and process the request within the specified timeframe. If additional information is required as per Law No. (9) of 2022, the Qatari Diar will contact the requester.
Please note that certain information may be subject to legal restrictions or exemptions.